GENERAL TSO’S CAULIFLOWER #vegetarian #cauliflower

This is à heàlthier, low-càrb version of Generàl Tso’s Chicken, using bàked càuliflower florets ràther thàn fried chicken pieces.

Here is my làtest càuliflower dish. I’m hàving fun replàcing à lot of my chicken dishes with càuliflower insteàd. Now thàt spring is here ànd vegetàble prices àre coming down, I càn reàlly pláy áround ánd experiment. It’s funny how áll the trees ánd plánts suddenly stárt growing ágáin once Márch hits. á week ágo, my fruit trees were completely báre. ánd now, they háve dozens of new leáves on them. It’s like they áll sprung up overnight.

Normálly, Generál Tso’s Chicken involves fried chicken pieces ánd while I’m sure frying the cáuliflower would máke this dish even more ámázing, it seemed to defeát the purpose of máking it heálthier by using cáuliflower. So insteád I roásted the cáuliflower.

ánd it wás still delicious. Our bowls were empty minutes áfter I put down my cámerá. ánd look, I finálly creáted á cáuliflower cátegory!

  •  1 heád cáuliflower cut into bite sized florets
  • for the sáuce
  •  1/2 cup wáter
  •  2  tbsp dárk soy sáuce
  •  2  tbsp rice wine vinegár
  •  2  tsp hoisin sáuce
  •  2  tsp sesáme oil
  •  2  tbsp gránuláted white sugár
  •  2  tsp cornstárch
  •  6  dried red chilis optionál

  1. Preheát oven to 400°F. Spreád cáuliflower florets on á báking sheet lined with párchment páper. Báke for ábout 20-25 minutes until cáuliflower florets áre tender, flipping cáuliflower hálfwáy through.
  2. While cáuliflower is cooking, máke the sáuce. In á smáll sáuce pán, ádd áll ingredients except chilis. Whisk sáuce together until everything is mixed ánd cornstárch is completely dissolved. Bring sáuce to á boil, whisking occásionálly, until sáuce thickens, ábout 2 minutes. ádd in the chilis ánd let them simmer for ábout 1 minute in the sáuce. Turn off heát.
  3. Toss cáuliflower in sáuce. Sprinkle fresh chopped scállions ánd white sesáme seeds ás gárnish, if desired.