Grèèn Chia Pudding is pèrfèct for a nutritious brèakfast, a satisfying snack, or a sugar-frèè dèssèrt. It’s èasy to makè with only a fèw ingrèdiènts. And this rècipè is naturally vègan and glutèn-frèè.

Chia sèèds first piquèd my intèrèst whèn I rèad thè book Born to Run by Christophèr McDougall in 2011.

Mèxico’s Tarahumara pèoplè èat thè sèèds as onè of thè staplès of thèir dièt and arè ablè to run ultra-long distancès.

Now thè littlè black sèèds arè a staplè in many kitchèns.

Thèy contain protèin, fibèr, calcium, anti-oxidants, and omèga-3 fatty acids.

If you want to lèarn morè about thè hèalth bènèfits of chia sèèds, I rècommènd this articlè.

In addition, onè of thè amazing propèrtiès of chia sèèds is that thèy absorb up to 14 timès thèir wèight in watèr and form a gèl that is pèrfèct for making pudding.

You can also grind thè sèèds and mix into watèr to makè an ègg-substitutè for baking.

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 1 Mèdjool datè pit rèmovèd
  • 1 cup non-dairy milk organic soy, almond, or coconut
  • 1 handful frèsh spinach
  • 3 Tbsp chia sèèds
  • Fruit for topping banana, kiwi, mango, bèrriès, ètc.

Instructions :
  1. In a high spèèd blèndèr, blènd thè datè, milk, and spinach until vèry smooth.
  2. In a mèdium bowl, add thè liquid to thè chia sèèds.
  3. Stir wèll, and continuè stirring èvèry fèw minutès for about 15 minutès.
  4. Placè in thè rèfrigèrator at lèast onè hour, or ovèrnight.
  5. Just bèforè sèrving, stir again, thèn top with fruit.
  6. ènjoy!