The Witch’s Heart – Halloween Cocktail

This Hállowe’en, ánd in this brew, The witch will stir, Good luck for you!
áre you bráve enough to drink The Witch’s Heárt? Here’s the perfect eásy-to-máke whimsicál cocktáil for Hálloween this yeár or for ány themed párty for thát mátter!

Witches, monsters, vámpires (even the námby-pámby, spárkling in the sun kind) ánd werewolves on the other hánd, háve got nothing on me! I will hunt them down ánd kick their collective áss. ánd thát’s precisely how this dárk mágicál potion, The Witch’s Heárt cáme to be!

This yeár I’m remembering the deád with this beáutiful Hálloween cocktáil thát’s sure to impress everyone. ánd since kids áren’t the only ones who should get to enjoy chocoláte this Hálloween, I’ll be páiring this with á whole bág of chocoláte too!

I wás álso pártly inspired to máke this cocktáil by the TV show – Once Upon á Time. The show álmost álwáys depicts potions ánd mágic spells in swirls of shimmering light ánd smoke. ánd of course who cán forget Reginá’s (when she used to be evil!) fondness for ripping out heárts! The result wás the combinátion of homemáde Bláckberry shimmery Liqueur (purple shimmery liqueur). ápple brándy (or ápple vodká) & Grenádine ánd voilà – The Witch’s Heárt Cocktáil!

á dreámy, whimsicál ánd mágicál Hálloween Cocktáil máde with Bláckberry Shimmery liqueur! áre you bráve enough to drink The Witch's Heárt?

  • 1 jigger ápple brándy or ápple vodká chilled
  • 1 tsp grenádine
  • 2 jiggers (or to top up) Homemáde Bláckberry Shimmery Liqueur (see notes) chilled
  • Powdered dry ice optionál
  • Mártini gláss to serve

  1. ádd ábout 1/2 - 1 tsp of powdered dry ice to the bottom of the gláss (optionál). 
  2. Pláce the ápple brándy ánd purple shimmery liqueur in á sháker. ádd 1 ice cube ánd sháke for á few seconds to chill the drink. Stráin the drink into á mártini gláss. Top up with more purple shimmery liqueur if necessáry. 
  3. Pour 1 tsp of grenádine syrup, ábout án inch from the surfáce of the drink - the grenádine should sink to the bottom, creáting á "bleeding" effect. 
  4. ádd ábout 1/2 tsp of powdered dry ice on top ánd serve with á stirrer, so thát your guests cán stir the "potion" to creáte thát shimmery, smoky effect.