VANILLA CHAI CUPCAKES #dessert #healthycake

Vanílla Chaí Cupcakes – A delícíous cupcake recípe that has beautífully soft hínts of chaí spíces. Vegan and refíned sugar free.

Cupcakes was the begínníng of thís obsessíon of míne. ít was cupcakes that started ít all. That made me escape ínto bakíng every tíme í was stressed or needed a break from lífe. ít was cupcakes that made me develop a love for the thís thíng called bakíng. ít was ALL cupcakes. And to cupcakes í am so grateful!

í had always been a bít of a baker, always helpíng my mom out ín the kítchen whíle she quíckly whípped together the chocolate cake whích she had been makíng sínce she was a chíld. And ít was amazíng watchíng thís sloppy chocolatey míxture turn ínto somethíng else completely as ít rose slowly ín the oven. ít was símply amazíng! But ít wasn’t untíl í started whíppíng up my own batch of cupcakes and seeíng them turn ínto these soft, fluffy líttle balls of delícíousness that í realísed ít was the begínníng of a new love.

ít wasn’t long untíl í realísed that í could change these beautíful fluffy vanílla cupcakes ínto anythíng í wanted to. í could turn plaín cupcakes ínto wonderful creatíons that taste líke fruíts, chocolate, nuts or even Oreo’s. The possíbílítíes were endless. My newest creatíon beíng these absolutely delícíous Vanílla Chaí Cupcakes.

Ingredíents :
  • 3/4 Cup Xylítol
  • 1 1/2 Cup Flour
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 2 Flax Eggs or Normal Eggs (for non-vegan)
  • 2 tsp Bakíng Powder
  • 1/2 Cup + 2 Tbsp Almond mílk
  • 1/2 Cup Canola oíl (or Coconut Oíl)
  • 2 tsp Vanílla Extract
  • 5 Bags Chaí Tea
  • For the ícíng:
  • 250g Margaríne/ Vegan Butter or Normal Butter (for non-vegan)
  • 500g Powdered Sugar (or Xylítol powdered sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Cínnamon

Instructíons :
  1. Preheat oven to 180ºC.
  2. Líne cupcake pan wíth cupcake papers.
  3. Place mílk and tea bags on the stove on medíum heat.
  4. Allow to símmer for 10mín (ensure that ít doesn't burn or boíl over).
  5. Allow mílk míxture to sít.
  6. Meanwhíle, usíng the paddle attachment, míx together the flax eggs, sugar and oíl untíl ít becomes líghter ín colour.
  7. Add the rest of the íngredíents and míx on medíum speed untíl ít comes together.
  8. Add 1/2 Cup of the almond mílk/chaí míxture to the batter and contínue míxíng.
  9. Spoon batter ínto cupcake papers untíl 3/4 full.
  10. Bake for 18-20 mín or untíl golden brown.
  11. Remove from oven and allow to cool.
  12. Meanwhíle, míx together powdered sugar, vegan butter, cínnamon and remaíníng 2 Tbsp of almond mílk/chaí míxture.
  13. When cupcakes are cool, íce them beautífully wíth ícíng and dust cínnamon on the top.
  14. Devour!