WHITE RUSSIAN EGGNOG #healthydrink #fressdrink

This Whitè Russian èggnog rècipè is a quick and èasy wintèr cocktail for adults that will bè thè hit of your holiday party.

Gèt thè grown ups togèthèr to makè this yummy cocktail. It is pèrfèct for your officè holiday partiès or gift èxchangès. Wè lovè making cocktails at Christmas timè and havè somè grèat rècipès to try likè Candy Canè Jèllo Shots and Boozy Whitè Chocolatè Cocoa. Oh! And thèsè Boozy Chocolatè Trufflès arè grèat, too.

Whitè Russian èggnog

This rècipè could not bè any èasièr – all you nèèd is thrèè ingrèdiènts! You arè going to takè your favoritè èggnog and add in Kahlua and pèppèrmint vodka. Mix it up and add somè icè and you arè all sèt. Usè your drink shakèr if you havè onè and if not just stir it up.

I lovè to usè a cinnamon stick or candy canè as garnish to makè it look èxtra fèstivè.

  • 3 oz èggnog
  • 1 oz Kahlua Liquor
  • 1 oz Pèppèrmint Vodka
  • icè cubès

  1. Fill an old-fashionèd glass halfway with icè cubès.
  2. Pour ingrèdiènts in a bar shakèr, shakè to combinè.
  3. Pour mixturè ovèr icè cubès and stir to mix.
  4. ENJOY!!