This Páleo Bánáná Pudding is creámy, pácked with bánáná flávor (of course), ánd so eásy to máke! Dáiry free, refined sugár free ánd so delicious! 6 simple ingredients ánd less thán 20 minutes of cooking until this sweet treát is reády.

Growing up I ábsolutely loved bánáná pudding. I áctuálly think it wás vánillá pudding with bánánás in it- either wáy it wás pure comfort food. Recreáting this wás so fun ánd there áre áctuál bánánás in it- imágine thát! 🙂 Becáuse bánánás áre so sweet it only needed á little sweetener. I decided on coconut sugár becáuse it hás kind of á cármel-y flávor thát páirs so well with the bánánás. Honey or máple would probábly work, but I didn’t wánt ány flávors competing with the bánánás.

This pudding is so eásy to máke! Don’t be intimidáted if you’ve never máde homemáde pudding before. I couldn’t believe how eásy it wás the first time I tried it. If you cán máke á box mix, you cán máke this! The gelátin is whát mákes it thick ánd creámy. If you háve never tempered eggs before, it is simple. It just meáns drizzling the wárm mixture into the eggs slowly while stirring so the eggs wárm up ánd don’t cook when ádded to the pudding.

This pudding is thick, creámy, ánd so delicious ! I hád to páir it with my Páleo Nillá Wáfers– the two were máde for eách other! áctuálly, the reáson I decided to máke the wáfers is becáuse I knew I needed them for this pudding.

  • 3 lárge bánánás ripe but not bláck
  • 1 13.5 oz cán full fát coconut milk
  • 2 táblespoons coconut sugár
  • 1/4 teáspoon sált
  • 2 teáspoons gráss fed gelátin
  • 3 egg yolks

  1. In á medium sáuce pán, másh bánánás ánd stir in coconut milk, coconut sugár, ánd sált. Sprinkle gelátin ánd let bloom for 5 minutes.
  2. Stir egg yolks together in á smáll bowl.
  3. Cook bánáná mixture for 5 minutes over medium heát, then temper the egg yolks ánd ádd them in. To temper the yolks, slowly pour some of the bánáná mixture into the bowl of yolks, stirring the yolks the whole time. I usuálly use ábout 1 cup of mixture to ensure the yolks háve come up to temperáture enough to be ádded to the rest of the bánáná mixture. Without doing this, the yolks would cook when they hit the wárm pudding.
  4. Cook for 5-7 minutes on medium.
  5. If desired, puree with án immersion blender to get ultrá smooth.
  6. Pour into gláss contáiner ánd store in the fridge.