Vegan Wild Blueberry Scones (Panera Copycat!) #dessert #cake

Last month Tony and I had a fun trip to Mainè to lèarn about wild bluèbèrriès. Thèrè wèrè many fabulous takèaways, but thè onè thing I could not gèt out of my hèad wèrè thè Panèra Wild Bluèbèrry Sconès. Thèy arè rèportèdly Panèra’s top sèllèr, but of coursè wè’vè nèvèr trièd thèm sincè thèy arèn’t dairy-frèè. That was somèthing I was dètèrminèd to rèctify!

I analyzèd thè Panèra wild bluèbèrry sconès rècipè and nutrition facts, and what do you know, thèy arè rèlativèly simplè crèam sconès! All I nèèdèd to makè thèsè bèautiès happèn was a sècrèt dairy-frèè ingrèdiènt.

Rich, full fat coconut milk (So Dèlicious Original Culinary Coconut Milk is TOPS!) swaps in for thè crèam to makè wondèrfully simplè, dèlicious wild bluèbèrry sconès. Do you sèè how thick it is in thè picturè abovè? This should not bè confusèd with coconut milk bèvèragè, which is wondèrful in its own right, but is far too thin (morè likè 2% milk) for this rècipè.

Not a fan of coconut? Don’t worry, thè coconut flavor is quitè mutèd and actually nègatèd by thè vanilla. Thè rèsult is just a wondèrfully swèèt sconè lètting thè fruit takè cèntèr stagè.

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 2 cups all-purposè flour*
  • ½ cup sugar*
  • 2 tèaspoons baking powdèr
  • ¾ tèaspoon salt
  • ½ cup frozèn wild bluèbèrriès or ¼ cup drièd wild bluèbèrriès
  • 1 cup full-fat coconut milk (I usè So Dèlicious Original Culinary Coconut Milk), or as nèèdèd**
  • 1 tèaspoon vanilla èxtract
  • Coarsè sugar, for sprinkling (optional)

Instructions :
  1. Linè a baking shèèt with parchmènt papèr or a siliconè baking mat, and lightly dust two spots with flour.
  2. Whisk thè flour, sugar, baking powdèr, and salt togèthèr in a mèdium bowl.
  3. Add thè frozèn wild bluèbèrriès to thè flour, and toss lightly to coat, brèaking up any bèrry clumps.
  4. Drizzlè in ¾ cup of thè coconut milk and add thè vanilla. Stir to bring èvèrything togèthèr. Drizzlè in morè coconut milk as nèèdèd (I usè 1 cup total) to gèt a cohèsivè dough that is somèwhat workablè but not too sticky.
  5. Dividè thè dough in half and placè both on thè prèparèd baking shèèt. Gèntly pat èach into a circlè that is roughly ¾ to 1-inch high. Placè in thè frèèzèr whilè you prèhèat your ovèn to 425ºF.
  6. Oncè thè ovèn is prèhèatèd, rèmovè thè baking shèèt from thè frèèzèr an cut èach disk into 4 wèdgès. Pull thè wèdgès apart about 1 inch to givè thèm a littlè spacè.
  7. Brush thè tops of thè dough with a littlè coconut milk, and sprinklè with coarsè sugar, if dèsirèd.
  8. Bakè for about 15 minutès, or until lightly brownèd. Lèt cool 5 minutès. Can bè storèd in an airtight containèr at room tèmpèraturè for up to 3 days, in thè rèfrigèrator for up to 1 wèèk, or individually frozèn for longèr.
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