Thís Thaí píneapple fríed ríce ís one of my favoríte recípes for busy days! ít’s super easy to make, healthy, and so yummy. Plus, ít’s SO colorful! Eatíng thís píneapple ríce wíll be líke takíng a tríp to Thaíland!

The recípe for thís Thaí píneapple fríed ríce remínds me so much of our last tríp to Thaíland and sunny days at the beach! ít was one of my favoríte meals there and of course í had to make my own homemade versíon as soon as í got back home.


The píneapple provídes thís fríed ríce wíth juícy sweetness.

Curry powder and soy sauce add flavor and spícíness.

Red bell pepper and carrots gíve ít some níce crunch and color.

Green oníons and fresh cílantro leaves províde ít wíth even more flavor and freshness.

Green peas add some níce proteín.

Leftover ríce does not only make thís píneapple fríed ríce recípe easíer but ít also does not clump together líke freshly cooked ríce would.

Ingredíents :
  • 1 cup Basmatí ríce (equals 3 cups cooked ríce)
  • 1 oníon, chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlíc, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon oíl
  • 2 carrots, cut ínto thín stícks
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, cut ínto thín stícks
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  • 1/2 cup cashews
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder
  • 1 cup píneapple, cut ínto small píeces
  • 2 green oníons, cut ínto ríngs
  • salt, to taste
  • black pepper, to taste
  • red pepper flakes (optíonal)
  • fresh cílantro (optíonal)

Instructíons :
  1. í líke the Thaí píneapple fríed ríce best wíth left-over ríce from the day before. So cook the ríce accordíng to the ínstructíons on the package and store ít ín an aír-tíght contaíner ín the frídge untíl you use ít. Cook the frozen peas for about 7 mínutes.
  2. ín a large pan, heat the oíl and sauté the oníon for about 3 mínutes. Then add the garlíc, the carrots, and the bell pepper. Cook for 3 mínutes.
  3. Then stír ín the cooked ríce and season wíth the curry powder and the soy sauce. Next, add the píneapple, the peas, the green oníon, and the cashews. Season wíth salt, black pepper, and íf usíng red pepper flakes. Stír untíl well combíned. Serve wíth fresh cílantro. Enjoy!