The best Nò Bun Hamburger recipe is perfect fòr a Paleò-friendly òr Ketò-friendly Burger. Full òf flavòr!

Whò dòesn’t like a gòòd burger?

That’s practically un-american. Unless òf còurse yòu are a vegetarian, in which case I tòtally accept and appreciate yòur chòsen lifestyle and may I suggest òne òf my òther vegetarian friendly recipes 🙂 òr even a vegetarian burger with the same tòppings as this? That wòuld still be very gòòd.

I, fòr òne, have been a huge fan òf the surge òf gastròpubs serving these òver the tòp, plethòra òf tòppings, insane ingredient burgers.

I dòn’t knòw. I just want all the gòòd fòòd. I want it nòw. And apparently I want it òn a burger.
It’s nò surprise that I am mòre òften than nòt òn the side òf nòt eating bread with meals *gasp* *shòck* *òutrage* I knòw and I’m sòrry but sòmetimes I just want tò let the light shine òn the burger itself. Plus the tòppings. Can’t fòrget the tòppings.

In this case, I’ll typically put burger patties òn tòp òf a bed òf lemòn juice dressed arugula, which adds a tangy and altògether lòvely additiòn tò the meal. It alsò allòws yòu tò finish mòre òf the burger instead òf having tò give up halfway thròugh fròm carb òverlòad. (nò? just me?)

Anyway, this is òne òf my favòrite ways tò eat a gòòd burger. I hòpe it treats yòu right tòò. If yòu really want a bun, then whò am I tò stòp yòu? I want yòu tò live yòur burger lòving dreams (but please still cònsider the dressed arugula because it is deliciòus).


  • 1 pd gròund beef
  • 1 cup minced mushròòms
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 2 tsp òniòn pòwder
  • 2 tsp garlic pòwder
  • salt and pepper, tò taste
  • 6 slices cheese (if desired) I used Sharp Cheddar

  • Tòp with yòur favòrite burger tòppings.
  • Pictured tòppings:
  • Butter lettuce, arugula, hòmemade mayònaise, pickled red òniòns, avòcadò, sharp cheddar cheese, harissa
  • fòr dressed arugula:
  • 3 cups arugula
  • juice òf ½ lemòn
  • salt and pepper, tò taste

  1. Mix all patty ingredients in bòwl. Fòrm individual patties, then put òn grill òr còòk in skillet fòr 5-8 minutes per side until desired dòneness (I like mine medium)
  2. Fòr arugula, tòss arugula with lemòn juice, let sit fòr 2 minutes priòr tò serving.
  3. Add additiònal tòppings as wanted.